Dec 18 14
A Mother’s 5 Year Search for Her Daughter
The REFUNITE mobile application described below is available only to adult (over 18) members of separated families in search of loved ones.  This is the story of Binti* – mother of three adult children, victim of war, and refugee – and of her reconnection with her oldest daughter Filan.* After years of searching, Binti discovered REFUNITE and used the mobile family-tracing platform to locate her daughter. For five years, Binti lived in fear that her children were lost forever. Residents of Mogadishu, Binti, her husband, and their three grown children were separated amid the city’s unrelenting violence. A terrorist group entered their…
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Dec 18 14
Two Rwandan Brothers Reconnect after Twenty Years Apart
Although he was still a child when the violence broke out, Bandele, a Rwandan refugee who now lives in Kampala, remembers a time his family lived in peace. When war ravaged his home country, Bandele was separated from his parents and siblings. For twenty years, he lived without knowledge of their whereabouts. But a chance introduction to REFUNITE led Bandele down a path to reconnect with his older brother. The two brothers continue the search for their other siblings and parents, hopeful that one day the entire family will be reconnected. “My dad used to like to watch movies and…
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Dec 18 14
Lost Cousins Reconnected After 10 Years of Separation
The story below was recalled by a Congolese refugee. The details described are accurate to the best of his recollection. All names have been concealed to protect his family’s identity.After more than 10 years of separation, Congolese refugee Cedric is now reconnected with his cousin Yolanda through the REFUNITE ( platform. Cedric and his younger brother were born to Burundian parents and raised in the North Kivu district in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). During their early years, Cedric’s cousin Yolanda would occasionally visit them in DRC. Sadly, Cedric’s parents passed away when they were very young; he doesn’t even remember the year it happened. Despite the 14-year age difference between…
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Hundreds of families are reconnected through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.