May 11 15
A Photo Essay on UX in Kakuma
In this blog post, our Research and Prototype Developer Vytas Bradunas and Online Editor Rachel Ombaka share photos from their recent trip to Kakuma Refugee Camp where they tested paper-based models (also known as prototypes) of REFUNITE’s family reconnection platform and conducted interviews on user experience (UX).

May 8 15
Morocco: REFUNITE at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference
Christopher Mikkelsen, REFUNITE’s Co-founder and Co-CEO attends high-level meeting on the Syrian crisis. This week, REFUNITE’s Co-founder and Co-CEO, Christopher Mikkelsen, is attending the Clinton Global Initiative’s conference on the Middle East and Africa. The conference takes place in Marrakech, Morocco. Mr. Mikkelsen will be participating in a forum titled “The Syrian Crisis: Investing in Refugees and Host Communities” together with experts and executives from the public, private and nonprofit sector. As part of the high-level discussions, they will discuss infrastructure investment, economic opportunities for refugees and their host countries, and how to leverage mobile networks, green technologies, and other innovations to better the lives of Syrian families.…

Apr 27 15
Google Filling the UX Gap in Africa
This week, team members from REFUNITE joined a group of designers from Google to learn how to develop a user experience and design thinking culture in Africa.

Apr 24 15
Infobip: Using Mobile Technology To Reconnect Separated Families
Infobip, an international IT and telecommunications company, has published a new case study on how they are able to deliver access to REFUNITE‘s family tracing platform via SMS and USSD in DR Congo, Jordan and Turkey.

Apr 23 15
From Nairobi to Chicago: My First Week at REFUNITE
In this blog post, Vytas Bradunas, our new Research and Prototyping Developer, shares his experience of relocating from the US to work in Kenya.

Apr 22 15
Photo Essay: Reconnecting Families in Juba, South Sudan
REFUNITE‘s Director of Global Communications and Strategy, Ida Jeng, recently returned from a trip to South Sudan where she led a team of Outreach Volunteers in testing a paper prototype for separated families in Juba.

Apr 22 15
VIDEO: Christopher Mikkelsen on MBC show
In this video, REFUNITE‘s CEO and Co-Founder Christopher Mikkelsen talks to co-hosts of the MBC morning show in Dubai, highlighting how mobile technology is used to reconnect separated families across the globe.

Apr 21 15
Geeks & Techies: Inside Nairobi’s Urban Perspective
This month’s edition of the Urban Perspective (UP) highlights REFUNITE as part of the magazine’s technology beat. UP is an urban lifestyle magazine that provides a unique perspective on Nairobi’s way of life.

Apr 17 15
New Team Members Join REFUNITE
We are pleased to welcome Nelson Okello, the Tech team’s new Back-End Developer and Vytas Bradunas, our new Research and Prototyping Developer from the US.

Apr 13 15
Connecting Separated Families: Providing Hope Through Connectivity
Zain Group, the leading telecom innovator in 8 markets across the Middle East and Africa, has announced the publication of a thought-leadership report entitled Connecting Separated Families: Providing Hope Through Connectivity.
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.