UNCHR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie says: “don’t forget refugees”
In order to mark the World Refugee Day, celebrated worldwide on June 20, the American actress Angelina Jolie has recorded a video to talk about the plight of the world’s most vulnerable people, the refugees.
Angelina Jolie is the Goodwill Ambassador for the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees).
In this video, Jolie asks everyone to remember the millions who were forced to leave their homes because of conflict and persecution and who need to be supported by the whole society.
Annual figures released by the UN refugee agency show that some 43.3 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide at the end of 2009, the highest number of people uprooted by conflict and persecution since the mid-1990s.
At the same time, the number of refugees voluntarily returning to their home countries has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years.
Refugees United