Nov 24 16
REFUNITE is on the 21st November edition of TIME Magazine. Get your copy now and help us reconnect separated families worldwide!
TIME Magazine Donates Ad Campaign to REFUNITE
The highlight of this week at REFUNITE is a full-page dedicated to our family reconnection platform on the 21st November’s edition of TIME Magazine. TIME magazine has donated the campaign to REFUNITE, allowing us to raise awareness and mobilize resources to reach more families who are in need of our service.
We owe a big thank you to TIME magazine for the support and to everyone contributing to REFUNITE’s mission of reconnecting separated families worldwide!
Do you want to help us reconnect families too?
You can support our work with a simple click here.
24th November, 2016.
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.