Submit your ideas via Twitter using the hashtag #NameThisMobileApp, or by posting on our Facebook Timeline.
May 26, 2014 — For weeks now the tech team here at REFUNITE has been diligently working to deliver something amazing: an updated version of our mobile search tool, also known as the “USSD 1.5”.
As we prepare to launch this new version, we realize that we have yet to come up with a great name! We’ve decided that “USSD Version 1.5” is simply too geeky and esoteric.
If “USSD” means nothing to you, you’re not alone. Fortunately, the explanation is rather simple. Our USSD system is what allows us to provide refugee families who own low-end mobile phones – the kind we often see in refugee camps – access to our online platform even without a phone that can access the Internet.
This means that, in selected countries, and with zero Internet connectivity, mobile phone owners can register themselves and their missing loved ones and join the REFUNITE family as they search for reconnections.
While it’s too early to reveal all the cool details just yet (shhh!), we can say that the mobile application includes the follow features:
- The ability to register missing loved ones in addition to registering yourself
- An intelligent automatic search tool that suggests potential matches based on information entered
- A notification system that encourages registered users to search often for their missing family as more people register each month.
Help us name this mobile application!
Our team has done all they can to improve our services – now we are turning to you for your creativity! What should we name USSD Version 1.5? What would you call a mobile search tool that aims to connect separated refugee families?
Submit your ideas via our Facebook Timeline or through Twitter, using the hashtag #NameThisMobileApplication
Photo by Julie Rix.
Carolyn Nash, Communications Coordinator for REFUNITE (