Christopher Mikkelsen, cofounder of Refugees United, spoke at BOLDtalks 2013 in Dubai, an event he himself describes as “engaging on all fronts: challenging topics and inspiring people made it a day to remember.”
In his speech Christopher Mikkelsen explained how Refugees United is harnessing the power of connectivity to help refugees all over the world reconnect with loved ones. Many refugees have not only been forced away from their homes, but many have also lost touch with their close networks, and are now finding themselves isolated and alone in foreign countries. However with the power of modern technology, Refugees United is fighting this problem by assisting families in reconnecting with their loved ones through our online family tracing platform supported by our partner, Ericsson. Christopher Mikkelsen’s speech moreover addressed how Refugees United can be a supporting factor for families in the region.
For the fourth year in a row now, BOLDtalks managed to create an event with a series of eye-opening talks, challenging the audience to relate to current issues in new ways. Some of the most influential and innovative persons from a wide array of industries participated in BOLDtalks 2013, from artists over professors to entertainers and doctors.