Western Cape authorities have threatened to remove the children of refugees who fled xenophobic violence two years ago.
“I’d rather die drowning with my children in the ocean than give them away,” said Amelia Nikwakwira, one of dozens of refugees evicted from the Blue Waters refugee camp in Cape Town.
The camp was set up for victims of xenophobic violence but the city recently won a court order that they be evicted from it.
Though many refugees were reintegrated into their communities, about 200 people, including the Nikwakwiras, moved to a nearby area of grass on the beach.
Cape Town municipal officials and representatives of the department of social development, the University of Cape Town’s law clinic and the UN High Commission for Refugees visited the refugees.
“They told us living here is not healthy for our children. Because we refused to go back to where we came from – because we are afraid we are going to be killed – they are going to take away our children,” said Nikwakwira.
“How can I leave my children? They will have to kill me first.”
A mother from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who asked to be identified only as Anna, said she would drown herself and her two children.
“How do they expect me to hand over my responsibility as a mother to someone else? The South Africans slaughtered us. Who says they are not going to kill my children?” she said.
Danny Abrahams, spokesman for social development MEC Ivan Meyer, said: ” By law, we have a responsibility to those children. We have to ensure they are taken to a place of safety”. He said several homes were prepared to take in the 60 children.
“We are not inhumane. We are acting in the best interests of the children and will, as far as possible, ensure that families are kept together,” he said.
The refugees have until midday to accept the city’s offer.
By Nashira Davids
Source: The Times