After a long stint in Australia, enjoying everything that beautiful country has to provide, a Japanese friend shared the mysteries of Yonaguni with David and I. In short, Yonaguni is an underwater monument off the southern coast of Okinawa, not far from Taiwan, debated for years by scholars as to its origins from hands of man or the capriciousness of nature.
The crux of the debate rests on the fact that last time the sea level was below the 27 meters of depth Yonaguni is found on, was before the last ice age. Should this be man-made, it predates the pyramids by a couple of thousands of years! Another story for another time, but my storytelling gene and David’s thirst for documentary material made Tokyo and Okinawa next on the destination shortlist.
Tokyo was to change my life. My daughter, Amaya, was created in that city where much of my heart still rests, and eventually brought both David and I back to Europe after years abroad. Amaya, being half French, was nearing school age and the GPS was set to “home,” a newfangled concept.
Home brought new challenges, thoughts and ideas, and pushed us into new territory. Both of us ended up taking positions as teachers at local schools, injecting kids with a shot of adventure, king-hell exploration and, hopefully, a bit of fun. Onwards from this David took position at a local school working with refugees, beside his work on various documentary films. A decision that was to be decisive for the birth of Refugees United.
More to come… I’m out of space 🙂