My Message To Displaced And Separated Families
“I think about the nights I spent hiding under trees, escaping bullets, bombs, and militia kidnapping the youth for forced military service. I was a teenager then.
Part of me will always connect to the fears of refugees and the uncertainty they find themselves in.
During yearly holidays like these, being a refugee or a war displaced person means celebrating the fact that you survived to see another year end or begin. That’s right!
For some however, this also means being forced to celebrate far from your loved ones; or even without knowing if they are still alive and safe.
In 2017, with the support of REFUNITE, I was able to reconnect with my family after years. Today I know where my family is and, while they are still far away, I am hopeful again.
This message of hope is what I want to share with all of you who are still searching for their loved ones.“
An Ambassador of REFUNITE
10th December 2017.