World Refugee Day celebrates the strength, courage, and resilience of refugees around the world. It is marked every year on June 20.
According to the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, more than 59.5 million people have been forcibly displaced for the first time in the post-World War II era. Half of this population is women and children.
To draw the public’s attention to the plight of refugees and other forcibly displaced people, civic groups around the world organise events in more than 100 countries every year; they involve government officials, humanitarian aid workers, celebrities, civilians and the forcibly displaced themselves.
This year, Refugees United (REFUNITE) invites you to participate in a Tweetchat that will take place on Wednesday, June 17th, from 16:00 to 17:00 CET. The chat will focus on how new technology can be used to improve the lives of refugees.
You can join the conversation using the hashtag #WRD2015 and share best practices and examples from your organization.
Below are some of the questions you can expect to find covered during the conversation:
- On the eve of #WRD2015, what is the state of refugees around the world?
- How can new technology support the refugee cause? #WRD2015
- Share examples of technology-driven projects, which have benefitted refugee families. #WRD2015
- How have you seen technology improve the state of refugees? Share stories and examples. #WRD2015
- What should public/private partnerships focus on to support refugees? #WRD2015
- What should organizations working with refugees watch out for when embracing new technology? #WRD2015
Connect with us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/refunite or email Rachel on rom@refunite.org