Day two and we’re already starting to feel at home here in Dar es Salaam. It’s been another good day of meetings with kind and welcoming people, all ready to get onboard our project in one way or the other.
The first meeting this morning was with Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services (TCRS) – the oldest organisation working with Refugees in Tanzania. Established in 1964, they have been working hard for more than four decades in assisting refugees whose plight brought them to Tanzania. They gave us valuable input on the conditions among the refugees in Tanzania and we had good discussions that we’re looking forward to work on and concretize into action.
Later in the afternoon we met with the UNHCR to introduce ourselves and our plans, and agreed to keep a close contact and develop our ideas for collaboration further, as they told us about their experience of how much it affects the refugees they meet and work with to be without contact to their loved ones. We’re here to assist those facing this particular problem, and there is no doubt that collaboration is the way forward. Luckily enough, everybody seems to agree.
Everywhere we go we’re met with warm hospitality and openness. Just as Mikkel remembers it from his childhood, where he spent three years growing up in an area very close to the guesthouse, we’re staying at. It’s Helene’s first time in Tanzania, but surely not the last. Next time, we’ll hopefully get to spend more time, and have the chance to explore more of this beautiful country than the meeting rooms at various organizations. This time around however, our focus is centered on one thing only – getting in touch with the right people at the right organizations. And from the first two days here, we’re certain that we’re on the right track.
Have a good night everybody.
Mikkel and Helene