Jul 12 10
Goodnight everybody…
We arrived safely in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania this morning after a very, very long flight from Copenhagen with two stop-overs in Heathrow and Cairo to get here. Unfortunately, our suitcases didn’t follow, and wont be arriving until later this week. In spite of the fact that we arrived more or less straight from the airport without time to shower because of the delay and without any clean clothes to change into, we managed to start out with an excellent meeting with the Tanzania Red Cross Society. We learned about their tremendous efforts in assisting the refugees in Tanzania, and our…
Jul 7 10
Site Down: Problems at the hosting provider
Our hosting provider has, unfortunately, been hit by a broken fiberoptic cable, which means there is currently no access to our website. They’re working as fast as possible to get the site back up, and we hope to have news within the hour. The Tech Team Refugees United
Jun 30 10
Rwanda’s Hutus live in fear of attacks, repression
In this Thursday, June 24, 2010 picture Rwandan President Paul Kagame greet supporters who waited hours to see him as he applied to run for president again in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. Last fall former President Bill Clinton presented Rwanda’s leader with a global citizen award and lauded him for freeing the minds of his people. Now as election day approaches, critics fear Paul Kagame’s government is instead smashing dissent.(AP Photo/Adam Hooper) KAMPALA, Uganda — The Rwandan refugee was walking home one night when four men jumped him and put him in a stranglehold. He lay still, pretending to be…
Jun 24 10
Uganda: Country Has Best Refugee Policy, Says United Nations
Kampala — Uganda has the best refugee policy in the world, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees country representative has said. Nema Temporal said Uganda was the only country which allocates land to refugees for cultivation. She also said it was the first to ratify the African Union convention on internally displaced persons held in Kampala last year. Temporal added that Uganda’s voluntary repatriation of refugees to Sudan in 2008 and 2009 was the most successful. “Some 31,928 refugees returned to Sudan from Uganda in 2009 and this year, 1,819 of the remaining refugees have been helped to return…
Jun 23 10
Uganda: Refugees to Lose Their Status by December 2011
Rwandan refugees in Uganda are uncertain of what will happen to them after December 31, 2011. This follows a pact by the governments of Rwanda, Uganda and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) that all refugees should return home because their country is now regarded as safe. In response to that decision, the Refugee Law Project issued a press statement highlighting the sensitivity of the issue as well as presenting various recommendations for all the parties involved in the decision. They stated that all parties should consider the decision to invoke the cessation clause carefully to ensure that…
Jun 22 10
Ethnic Uzbeks Find Calm but Fear for Those Still Behind
Nearly half of the refugees are children. Five percent are babies, and 2,000 of the women are breast-feeding, according to Unicef. KARASU, Uzbekistan — “I have three children — 9, 7 and 4 years old — and they are just in shock,” a woman named Ursanoy Mamadaliyeva said on Monday. “My youngest said to me, ‘Mama, if we return to Kyrgyzstan, then you have to buy me an automatic weapon.’ “Do you think that that is normal?” she asked. “The child is 4 years old. And he says, ‘I am also going to shoot.’ Is that normal?” Tears welled in her…
Jun 17 10
https://v.wordpress.com/wp-content/plugins/video/flvplayer.swf?ver=1.21 UNCHR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie says: “don’t forget refugees” In order to mark the World Refugee Day, celebrated worldwide on June 20, the American actress Angelina Jolie has recorded a video to talk about the plight of the world’s most vulnerable people, the refugees. Angelina Jolie is the Goodwill Ambassador for the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees). In this video, Jolie asks everyone to remember the millions who were forced to leave their homes because of conflict and persecution and who need to be supported by the whole society. Annual figures released by the UN refugee agency show that some 43.3 million people were forcibly…
Jun 15 10
Child refugees exposed to great danger and abuses in Europe, says UNHCR
Afghan refugee Wali Allah, 13, cooking on a wood fire on the streets of Calais in France. Photograph: Sean Smith for the Guardian A drastic increase in the number of unaccompanied minors trying to enter Europe is exposing thousands of children to severe dangers and human rights abuses, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) warned today. Following UK government plans to set up a £4m “reintegration centre” in Afghanistan so that it can deport unaccompanied child asylum seekers to Kabul from Britain, the UNHCR warned that the measures may force children to go underground, putting them in further danger as they try to avoid…
Jun 9 10
Teen refugees to be sent back to war zones
Human-rights groups fought back on Tuesday against government plans to send back asylum-seekers young and old to the blood-soaked battle zones of Iraq and Afghanistan. A £4 million “reintegration centre” is planned in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul for child asylum-seekers in Britain to be shunted into. Documents for the new centre have revealed plans to dump a dozen boys aged 17 and under at the centre in war-ravaged Afghanistan every month if they are denied the right to remain in Britain. Immigration Minister Damian Green said: “No one should be encouraging children to make dangerous journeys across the world.” He said…
Jun 7 10
When life and death are more important than football
In Johannesburg, a poster celebrates the South Africa football team as the World Cup nears (REUTERS) All roads lead to South Africa for fans – and for refugees trying to escape Zimbabwe’s brutal regime. Barbera is one of hundreds of visitors arriving every day in South Africa. She spent more than a year planning the trip. The 22-year-old had the usual fears about coming. Would the journey be arduous? How could she find somewhere safe to stay in Johannesburg. She worried about crime. And how could she afford it? In the end, she invested her life savings and some…
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