Sep 8 10
We are reaching out to all local NGOs around the world. Our family tracing tool is simple and intuative, but with your help, it can be very powerful. Help us to empower others or just keep updated 😉
Sep 7 10
IRIN News : An app for lost loved ones SMS Pilot in Adjumani region in Northern IRIN News : UGANDA: An app for lost loved ones
Sep 3 10
Refugees United announce partnership with Ericsson, and pilot project in Uganda in partnership with UNHCR and MTN
For immediate release: New mobile app helps reunite refugees •   Aims to anonymously reconnect families and friends separated due to conflict or natural disaster•   Over 3 million people could benefit from this pilot•   Pilot launched in Uganda and to be expanded to other countries in region In support of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have fled from conflict and disaster areas, Ericsson and Refugees United, in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and mobile operator MTN in Uganda, have launched the first pilot project to locate and reconnect refugee and IDP (internally displaced persons)…
Aug 20 10
East Africa Hosts Most Refugees Outside the Middle East
East Africa now hosts over a million refugees from East, Central and Southern Africa, the largest total figure in the world outside of the Middle East. According to the latest Global Trends report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania alone host nearly 610,000 refugees with Kenya the most generous host in the region with nearly 360,000 refugees, mostly from Somalia. Kenya is now the fifth biggest host of refugees worldwide behind only Pakistan, Iran, Syria and Germany but well ahead of the United States on 275,500 and the UK on nearly 270,000. The…
Aug 16 10
Only God knows what will happen to us Men digging up the remains of their home in the Azakhel refugee camp near Peshawar, following the floods that have left so much of Pakistan in misery. (Photo: W. Schellenberg, UNHCR) AZKHEL VILLAGE, Pakistan, August 13 (UNHCR) – For 30 years, the Azakhel camp in north west Pakistan served as a welcome refuge for tens of thousands of refugees from the war in neighbouring Afghanistan. The settlement started as a cluster of makeshift tents but developed into a village with tea stalls, kebab sellers, fruit and vegetable shops and other small businesses.…
Aug 16 10
i hassan am 20 years old somalian painess i hope ma family alive but i dont know really how i fund them and even if i try to search them am sorry am not able am in africa uganda but my wish is if am going America then i be American person at that time mybe my family will coming
Aug 9 10
“My children miss their father”
CHARSADDA, Pakistan, August 7 (UNHCR) – Zahir Shah, a toy peddler in his late 40’s from a village near Charsadda in northwest Pakistan, lost everything he owned in the floods that swept over his home area in the past week, including the pushcart filled with toys that is his only source of income. Yet he considers himself lucky. He is alive and, after an ordeal in which he was forced to carry his two young sons on his back to higher ground, his family is together as well. Janat Bibi, 40, also feels herself fortunate.She escaped with her five children when neighbours…
Jul 15 10
Last day of meetings in Dar
Just finished our final meeting with Asylum Access, and we were really impressed with how much knowledge they’ve managed to build up in the short time they’ve been here. They’ve only been in Tanzania for about a year and in Dar for no more than a month. Obviously though, they’ve spent their time effectively. Coincidently, as the new kid on the block, they’re sharing office space with the oldest and most experienced of them all – the TCRS, which we met with Tuesday. As they are new in the city, and still under establishment, we’ll be looking into whether we…
Jul 14 10
Day 3 in Dar
This afternoon we finally got our intact suitcases, so now we have clean clothes for a week, but only one more day to wear it in. Almost makes us (or at least Helene) consider staying a bit longer…. Besides of our luck with the suitcases, we’ve had another couple of interesting meetings. We started the day out by meeting with the International Recue Committee (IRC). We learned how they’ve been operating in the country since 1993, while advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable groups of the refugee populations as well as assisting them in getting medical assistance and access…
Jul 13 10
Day 2 in Dar
Day two and we’re already starting to feel at home here in Dar es Salaam. It’s been another good day of meetings with kind and welcoming people, all ready to get onboard our project in one way or the other. The first meeting this morning was with Tanganyika Christian Refugee Services (TCRS) – the oldest organisation working with Refugees in Tanzania. Established in 1964, they have been working hard for more than four decades in assisting refugees whose plight brought them to Tanzania. They gave us valuable input on the conditions among the refugees in Tanzania and we had good…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.