Jan 7 11
Nadia, 22 years old, born in DRC, is searching for her family. She last saw them in Masisi in Northern Kivu in DRC in 2005. She has no idea where they might be today. Read more on other stories from the field
Jan 6 11
Ali Mohamed, 28 years old, born in Somalia, is searching for his two younger sisters and one brother. He last saw them in the Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda in 2002. He thinks his brother might be in Sudan, but doesn’t have any idea about his sisters. Read more on other stories from the field
Jan 6 11
Organisation(s): Refugees Consortium of Kenya (RCK)Location(s): Dadaab Office, Kenya. Services: Search Tool facilitation, promotion Related Links: NGO Partners, Dadaab
Jan 6 11
Fatima Encis left Sudan in 1986. During her escape she lost contact with her brother and sister. She has been living in Kali, a refugee settlement in the Adjumani region in Northern Uganda the past many years and has never stopped thinking about them. She often wonders where they are today and hopes that Refugees United can help her get back in touch with them. “I will be very, very glad if this tool can help me get back in touch with my family. It brings me hope.” Read more on other stories from the field
Jan 6 11
Fonus Ajo has been living in the Ibakwe settlement in the Adjumani region in Northern Uganda since her flight from Sudan in 1989. Two years ago she lost contact with her oldest son, as he was resettled to the US. She’s very eager to get back in touch with him, and hopes that Refugees United will give her the chance to know if he’s ok. “I miss him so much and still think about him every day!” Read more on other stories from the field
Jan 6 11
We are currently testing our mobile applications in a joint project with Ericsson, MTN and UNHCR in Adjumani, Northern Uganda. A number of UNHCR-appointed custodians have been equipped with mobile phones and have received training on how to assist in creating profiles and searching the database
Jan 6 11
Denmark : Refugees United was founded in Copenhagen, Denmark, where our headquarters also lie. From here, all operations throughout Africa and elsewhere are directed. Outreach programs, IT development, administration and partner management all takes place from Copenhagen, where also the board of Refugees United convenes every quarter.
Jan 5 11
Kenya is home to the world’s largest refugee camp, Dadaab, with more than 300.000 inhabitants. It is also home to Refugees United’s largest operations. With our presence in Dadaab camp, Kakuma camp and reaching urban refugees in Nairobi, we engage with many thousands of refugees on a monthly basis. Click the icons on the map to read more about our partners & stories
Jan 5 11
In Uganda, Refugees United has partnered with Ericsson to deploy our mobile tracing tools alongside UNHCR and mobile operator MTN. Working through the Adjumani district, the UNHCR has so far helped more than 1,300 refugees in search of missing family sign up to our platform. In Kampala, we work closely with the Refugee Law Project to disseminate information about our service to urban refugees and to help them search and register Click the icons on the map to read more about our partners & stories
Jan 5 11
Tanzania has hosted refugees for more than 5 decades, with Burundian refugees accounting for the far largest share. Refugees United works with the TCRS and Asylum Access to inform and help refugees in search of missing family and for us to learn how better to communicate with our beneficiaries, all hailing from various backgrounds. Click the icons on the map to read more about our partners & stories
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.