Feb 2 11
How did we end up here…? RU chapter 2.
Places, places, so much to tell. Where to begin when you don’t know the end? Well, I suppose the early stages of what was to become Refugees United were sown by our parents at a young age. Both David and I are immensely proud of a set of parents who valued, even with very little money at their disposal back then, to bring their kids out into the world. To experience and taste the variety life at different latitudes had to offer. Hong Kong, Thailand, and other places, were home, as was the US east coast, where we spent childhoods…
Feb 2 11
Conversations for a Better World
David and I were recently invited to write a blog post for “Conversations for a Better World.” This is what it said: Refugees United Throughout our shared planet, more than 43 million people are currently living as refugees and internally displaced persons. Sent from a past demolished towards a future unknown, fear is the only guaranteed companion for millions of people. Every year, thousands of families are separated in the wake of conflict: mothers from children, siblings from each other, many never to meet again. Refugees United was formed to streamline the global refugee family tracing process by harnessing the…
Jan 28 11
Read, listen, watch and learn more : Tagged Nairobi Such as pictured: Hidden Voices: Urban Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya by MediaServe International
Jan 28 11
Hidden Voices: Urban Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya by MediaServe International Hidden Voices: Urban Refugees is a video produced by the International Rescue Committee and MediaServe International. The short film highlights the daily struggles facing thousands of urban refugees living in the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi. In their own words, refugees tell of how they face poverty, harassment and violence as they make their way in the urban environment. The video illustrates the many issues highlighted in a new report Hidden and Exposed: Urban Refugees in Nairobi, Kenya which you can read at theIRC.org (Source: https://vimeo.com/)
Jan 21 11
The Refugee Law Project (RLP) seeks to ensure fundamental human rights for all asylum seekers, refugees, and internally displaced persons within Uganda, envisioning a country that treats all people within its borders with the same standards of respect and social justice. RLP works to see that all people living in Uganda, as specified under national and international law, are treated with the fairness and consideration due fellow human beings. For more information, visit:refugeelawproject.org (Source: https://www.refugeelawproject.org/)
Jan 10 11
Dadaab Refugee Camp by tariq tarey Short Description of Film: “Dadaab: A Somali Struggle” is a 12 minute documentary examining the conditions of this refugee camp in North Eastern Kenya. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has declared Somalia to be the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. It has also declared Dadaab to be the largest refugee camp in the world. Dadaab was designed to house 90,000 refugees. It is now home to 290,000 people, primarily Somalis. This film examines the ability of the UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations to fulfill basic needs of the people it serves under…
Jan 10 11
Dadaab by Lucas OleniukClose to 250,000 people have pushed the refugee camps of Dadaab, Kenya to their brink. The camp is now one of the largest and oldest refugee camps in the world. The vast majority of the refugees came from Somalia whose boarder lies only 85km away. With perpetual instability in Somalia there exists little to no hope of resettlement for these refugees. (Source: https://vimeo.com/)
Jan 10 11
Video Report : Sudanese Refugees in Egypt 11-11-2010 (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Jan 10 11
Somali refugees: camps in crisis 2008 UNHCR faces a major challenge in finding solutions for newly arrived Somali refugees in the worlds biggest refugee camp, Dadaab, in Kenya. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Jan 7 11
The february 2011 edition of Wired UK includes a feature on our workin Uganda and Kenya. Click here to visit Wired UK
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.