Jul 20 11
Refugees United – Chapter 13
A heavy stone fell from the hearts of both when they found each other. A sense of belonging, of not being completely alone anymore, was how they described the feelings that milled about. Unfortunately, the answer to each of the brothers’ first question on the whereabouts of the rest of the family was that neither knew anything. However, they had found each other, and that provided some hope. With the reunion’s glow waning after a few days, reality came barging through the door. Mansour learned that, while “luck” had graced his life after Peshawar, Ali had been less fortunate. Sold…
Jul 15 11
I,am Jemson from Philippines and I,am an illegitimate child want find my father. My mother already died sens I’m grade 3. and i never know the name of my father,..I guest they see each other on 1987,..because my birthday is on September 1988.. My mother’s name is Gemma.
Jul 14 11
Refugees United – Chapter 12, Peshawar pt. 2
Mansour left the house to meet the trafficker, anxious to learn any news. The guy had shared with him the previous day that he might be able to unearth information about one of Mansour’s brothers, Ali. Stepping into the trafficker’s office took immeasurable courage on behalf of Mansour, and we’re still dumbfounded as to how he racked up the nerve to question, to push this criminal that had much evil on his conscience. But push he did, and after bribing him even more, learned that his one younger brother, Ali, 9-years-old last they had seen each other, now lived in…
Jul 12 11
Refugees United – Chapter 11, Peshawar
After months and months of seemingly no action or results, David, Mansour and I decided to try and take things into our own hands. At this stage Mansour had grown in courage and in his desire to unearth any information possible about what had happened to his family. He reached the decision to travel back to Peshawar in search of answers and of people who might assist him in his quest. Not a small feat, considering his young age, returning to the place and people who separated him from loved ones 5 years earlier. Peshawar is a hustle and bustle…
Jul 8 11
Refugees United at Copenhagen Jazz Festival, 2011 Refugees United will be at the 5E Venue Saturday evening July 9 . Address:Forsamlingshuset 5eSlagtehusgadeGrå Kødby, København V.Danmark And at Christianshavns Beboerhus Sunday evening July 10. Address:Dronningensgade 34 – 1420København KDanmark Come and listen to great music by artists such as Kostcirklen and Band of The Universe and support Refugees United. We have set up an sms-donation service for these events and you can support our work by donating 50 DKK. Donate it’s easy : In Denmark simply sms: Refunite to 1231 Outside Denmark : Donate via our facebook Causes page * The donation is voluntary and not included in the…
Jul 4 11
My Name is G. Makoba,Congolese by nationality,but leaving in Uganda-Kampala,i have 20years old,i went to school,i’m holding a Diploma in Mecanic Auto-Diesel,i don’t know family or any member of my family,i went in army in 1997 and i left in 2006,i land about computer in which i have IT certificat,i leave in street,sleep in church,eat in restorants after working for theme,pliz help me and god will help you
Jun 29 11
afrographique: Smart Phone OS in Africa Infographic depicting the market share of various smart phone operating systems on the African continent.
Jun 20 11
June 20th is World Refugee Day
June 20th is a day like every other day. 86,400 seconds: A blink of an eye to some, and to others a lifetime passing by. For more than 36 million people, this day, as any other, is 1,440 minutes of despair, another day of uncertainty, 24 hours of fear. June 20th is World Refugee Day. Celebrating World Refugee Day is not so much a celebration as a remembrance; a remembrance of what could have been for all these people had they been granted the geographical opportunities we enjoy. A remembrance that, at the end of the day, we are…
Jun 8 11
If the World were 100 people – Another great infograph from afrographique – we love your work: 100 People: A world portrait infographic. Data from www.100people.org.
May 31 11
Refugees United Team at Center Sandholm The big building where we had the intro The poster announcing the event Last few preparations Brochures, stickers and posters ready! The first people arrived Getting the presentation ready Refugees United’s COO talking Introducing the search tool Talking with the participants We’re happy to announce that we have started a collaboration with the Danish Red Cross to strengthen our mutual efforts to empower refugees to reconnect with their lost loved ones. During June 2011 a pilot project will take place at the reception center Sandholm, hosting approximately 600 asylum seekers, located near Copenhagen. Volunteers…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.