Oct 6 11
Dadaab, Aug. 2011
Descending through the thin layer of clouds, the arid landscape of Dadaab appears below, pockmarked by the blue tents of the UNHCR hosting weary refugees. As we approach the short landing strip, the warm winds rising rattle the little propeller plane, dipping the wings on either side. Having left behind chilly Nairobi at 6 am, the warmth of Dadaab is a brief respite for my freezing toes, though soon, I, along with everyone else, wish for cooler weather – even during this winter “chill.” I disembark with a flurry of butterflies and head off to greet our partners, the wonderful…
Sep 21 11
Kenya Red Cross Society HQ Partnership Launch in Nairobi Refugees United launch partnership with Kenya Red Cross Society This past Friday, September 16th, Refugees United launched an exciting new partnership with Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS). The partnership, where RU provides the technology and KRCS supports with the local implementation, aims at signing up 33,000 new users via the Refugees United search tool. KRCS will provide their staff on ground across Kenya in order to achieve this target; specifically, 8 KRCS staff and a further 44 volunteers from 22 branches will be trained in the use of the RU mobile-enabled search tool in…
Sep 14 11
Press release: New Board Members
Changes on the Board of Refugees United, new Chairwoman and new Interim CEO. On the Refugees United Foundation board meeting in Copenhagen on August 16th, several changes were put into effect that we are pleased to inform you about: Steen Halbye, Chairman of the Board, ended his successful 2-year period and stepped down from his position. Having helped steer Refugees United to great reach and impact, the Foundation thanks Steen for his dedication and hard work throughout his term. Kristin Parello-Plesner, CSR manager PFA, was appointed new Chairwoman, and the Foundation warmly welcomes her onboard. Her strategic insight and strong…
Aug 30 11
John’s story (In pic from left to right : Martin from RCK, John, Vladimir from Refugees United) The man standing in the middle of the picture is named John. He lives in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. He was forced to flee his hometown during the post election period in 2008 and was then placed in Kakuma Camp leaving behind family members and friends. John has been searching for his 2 sons and has not heard from them in years. He was very excited to hear about Refugees United’s plan to help people reconnect and is eager to create his account. John says: “Refugees United is my only…
Aug 30 11
We have moved During this summer we have moved our Danish office from Aldersrogade to Larsbjørnsstræde. Our new place is located down-town Copenhagen and has a very nice vibe. Come by and visit us – check out the google map below : View Larger Map
Aug 29 11
Reconnection story : Somali friends united Abdullah and Khalid were childhood friends growing up as refugees from Somalia in Kenya. Kenya has one of the largest refugee populations, Dadaab being the biggest refugee camp in the world. In 1993 Khalid went to Uganda and the young friends lost contact for the following 19 years. They finally found each other after so many years via our simple tracing tool and exchanged contacts. The two friends are so happy about finding each other, they wanted to spread the knowledge about Refugees United’s mission. Abdullah was part of the participants in a community forum…
Aug 11 11
Refugees United – Chapter 15
True to fashion in how David and I had lived our lives up to this moment, everything happened, resonated – and without much thought we threw our passion behind the quest of finding Mansour’s family. An echo between rationale and raucousness has determined our lives so far, and it has led us to deeply engaging and interesting moments, however heartbreaking some of them have been. Such is the liberty I suppose, for those fortunate enough to have been born into the luxury of freedom. I’m not sure what we expected to find in Moscow, nor what we expected may…
Aug 9 11
i lost may dad at the age of 7 i have not seen him till now so i really want to find him
Jul 28 11
The Venue 5E, Cph. Jazz Festival 2011 Capturing the mood Audience buzz Kostcirklen playing Singing Pictures from the launch of the donation service at the CPH Jazz Festival – 5E Venue Saturday evening July 9 2011. The up and coming Copenhagen based jazz group Kostcirklen, gave a wonderful performance at the 5E Venue in the meat packing district, east side Copenhagen. The vibe was electric and the atmosphere easy. Refugees United was fortunately given the opportunity to raise awareness about our cause. We spoke to a lot of inspiring people who contributed ideas as well as donations. Just as the jazz…
Jul 27 11
Refugees United – Chapter 14
One of the challenges of heading to Russia was getting an entry visa. Mansour was still waiting for his “official” Danish passport, known for its color as the red beet, traveling under a blue, temporary one. This alone made it difficult to get a visa. Moreover, per Russian requirements you need an invitation from a hotel, and a reason for your visit. Two longhaired broke guys and an Afghan refugee didn’t, it seem, make for optimal tourists. However, through our stint working as teachers with immigrants and refugees, we were able to claim it a study trip and obtain the…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.