Apr 26 12
Reconnection story, April 2012
During the Second Congo War (also known as the Great War of Africa), which began in August 1998, there were violent clashes between the Mai Mai, a community-based militia group, and the Rawanda-allied and ethnically Tutsi, Banyamulenge-dominated rebels. It was in the months immediately following the start of the war that the Mai Mai attacked Arcel*, aged 9 at the time and the fourth eldest, and his nine-member family in their village home in South Kivu. The entire family – four sons, three daughters, and two parents – were scattered in different directions. Arcel found himself fleeing along into the…
Feb 24 12
INTERSOS: An independent aid-organization utilizing the Refugees United family tracing tool inside Somalia
As from October 2011, the Refugees United tool has been utilized by the Italian-based humanitarian aid organization INTERSOS inside Somalia. INTERSOS is using the Refugees United family tracing tool to further their own mission of helping people with family tracing needs without any direct involvement from Refugees United. INTERSOS is carrying out the tracing project inside Somalia, an area difficult to gain access to for most aid organizations. The goal is to assist thousands of Somali refugees and internally displaced people that have fled drought and political unrest and lost family members on the way to get on to the…
Feb 20 12
Kenya research project: First insights from the field
Your mobile phone beeps. You check it. A “Breaking News” alert: “Tensions grip most of Nairobi city following months of threat of attack by guerillas fighting from Ngong Forest.” These same guerillas have taken hold of the rest of Kenya and you are targeted because of your ethnic background. Your twitter timeline is suddenly frantic with new messages: all of them talking about attacks underway in various parts of the city and beyond. You run. You run and the next time you look back, you are somewhere along the border of Tanzania. You can’t turn back. You have left with…
Feb 13 12
CES Las Vegas 2012
Recently, David and I were invited to participate in the keynote speech of Ericsson’s CEO, Hans Vestberg, at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas; a convention that draws nearly a 150.000 visitors from all walks of life, though middle-aged white guys are heavily represented. For Refugees United, it was not just a great opportunity to shed further light on our longstanding and innovative relationship with Ericsson, leveraging our individual strengths to help separated refugee families reconnect, but a chance to engage a whole new world. Even more so than normal, plastic shrouds the world of Las Vegas during…
Jan 27 12
Research project kick-off in Kenya
Over the past few months, we’ve been engaging in discussions with iHub Research, a Nairobi-based organization that works from within the nerve center of Kenya’s technology community and has expertise in technology research and facilitation of local ICT research capacity in the region. Together, we have crafted an exciting research project that aims at assessing the Refugees United family tracing service from A-Z; from our mobile sign-up tools to the processes supporting this on-ground through our local partner organizations. Our tools and processes are subject to constant iterations and improvements, and during this research journey, we’ll invite you into our…
Nov 3 11
WIRED 2011 Conference
Having just returned from a whirlwind two and a half days of Wired11 conference in London I’m chock-full of inspiration and lingering thoughts from wicked conversations. Presided over by David Rowan and a rocking Wired team, the setting was picture perfect, taking up parts of the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel with all its old-world charm of booking offices, arrival halls and a busy-quiet atmosphere. Some 300 people attended from the worlds of advertising and startups, tech, biotech and the media, with everyone in a beautiful mishmash of thoughts and conversations across all Olympic thought-disciplines. While all talks were fascinating and…
Oct 24 11
since birth i’d never meet my father..my mother was an ofw she is filipina..she meet this guy (Mr.valanitham jayavalan) when she worked in Malaysia .. . they became husband and wife and i’m their child but when they separated i came with my mother here in the Philippines and until i’d never meet my real father i just want to see him in person .. my mother has now a new family and she change my family name towards my step fathers family name ..
Oct 24 11
Pop!Tech Social Innovation Fellows 2011
David and I were recently announced as PopTech Social Innovation Fellows for the class of 2011. Following in the footsteps of several of our peers from Ushahidi, Praekelt Foundation and others, it is with wonder, pride and excitement that we enter this year’s classroom. Many fine and smart folks have stepped through these halls before us, and we’re sure that the process will leave us bruised with knowledge and insight, all the more equipped to face the immense challenges Refugees United stand before. As we “speak,” David is in Camden, Maine, damn well near cut off from the connected grid,…
Oct 12 11
Refugees United and RCK in Eastleigh Streets of Eastleigh Visiting Ethiopian refugees, Eastleigh Refugees United in Nairobi, September 2011 Chapter 2. One of the most impacting experiences of the week was an afternoon that Chris and I spent in Eastleigh together with Vladimir and one of our local community mobilizers (these are refugees themselves, employed through the Refugee Consortium of Kenya to help spread awareness about Refugees United and help refugees sign up to our platform). Our aim was to gain some first-hand insights into our ‘customer base’ and better understand the work of our community mobilizers and the related…
Oct 7 11
iHub, Nairobi RU Scratchcards Scratchcard Factory iHub, Nairobi Refugees United in Nairobi, September 2011 Chapter 1: Having just joined the Refugees United team, I soon found myself southbound for Africa, the continent where the majority of the people we’re trying to help are located. More specifically, I was headed for Nairobi, Kenya, together with Chris for one week. Despite having traveled a lot, this was my first real ‘Africa trip’, and I felt excited to be on my way to see the ‘subject matter’ of Refugees United with my own eyes. Our luggage stuck in Cairo, we arrived in Nairobi…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.