Mar 12 13
‘Hackers’ improve Refugees United’s platform // #HackForGood
The first week of February was a special week for Refugees United, as this week saw our second hackathon of the year #HackForGood take place at the StartUp garage in Nairobi, Kenya. Here talented developers from both Kenya and Denmark worked intensely together for a whole week to improve Refugees United’s search tools. This event saw the developments of some great applications, which will increase the accessibility of Refugees United’s platform considerably. The specific outcomes were applications enabling searches via SMS and USSD, meaning that anyone will be able to search for long lost family from any low-cost mobile device very soon. Searching…
Mar 8 13
Refugees United @ BOLDtalks 2013: the power of connectivity
Christopher Mikkelsen, cofounder of Refugees United, spoke at BOLDtalks 2013 in Dubai, an event he himself describes as “engaging on all fronts: challenging topics and inspiring people made it a day to remember.” In his speech Christopher Mikkelsen explained how Refugees United is harnessing the power of connectivity to help refugees all over the world reconnect with loved ones. Many refugees have not only been forced away from their homes, but many have also lost touch with their close networks, and are now finding themselves isolated and alone in foreign countries. However with the power of modern technology, Refugees United is…
Mar 8 13
Social innovation and business strategies // Refugees United @ DANSIC13: IMPACT
Climate change, financial crises, immigration, energy shortage, sustainable development, terrorism, … – there seem to be no end to the list of current global issues. The need for novel and creative solutions which social innovation foster consequently can’t be stressed enough. It was therefore with great pleasure that Refugees United accepted the request to hold the keynote speech at the Danish Social Innovation Club’s (DANSIC) annual conference DANSIC13: IMPACT #DANSIC13. Here Communications and Relations Office, Claudia Simler, and CEO, Jens Briksten spoke behalf of Refugees United, about how the non-profit world can utilize business strategies to create lasting impact. DANSIC is a…
Feb 28 13
Hacking for good in London #RefunitedMod
Rewired State – a network of over 1000 software developers and designers – and Refuges United came together for a day of exciting work at the RefUnited Mod day 2013 hackathon, hosted by the London Google Campus. For those of us who don’t spend our daily lives in the programming world, hackathons are one-day events, which bring together a bunch of tech savvy developers to work intensively on a specific project. For Refugees United these hackathons play a crucial role in ensuring that our family tracing platform keeps improving and serve our users in the best way possible. This time…
Feb 21 13
Reaching out to Somalis missing loved ones with Radio Ergo
Together with the Somali radio station Radio Ergo, Refugees United commences radio campaign, targeting the many Somalis who have lost contact with family and friends during the war. Radio Ergo is based in Nairobi, Kenya, and produces humanitarian news for the Somali-speaking region, much of which is life-saving information for Somali families. As part of the radio campaign, Radio Ergo will broadcast short radio spots for families who have lost contact with missing loved ones. The aim is to reach out to families in war-torn Somalia and let them know that they can search for family via Furthermore, a live Sunday…
Feb 19 13
Targeting the youth of Nairobi // New radio campaign with Ghetto FM
Refugees United and the Kenyan radio channel Ghetto FM are joining hands in a new partnership, reaching out to the many young people living in Nairobi who are missing loved ones. Ghetto FM broadcasts in Sheng, a Swahili-based patois widely spoken in Nairobi and is very popular amongst the youth in Kenya. Together, Refugees United and Ghetto FM have developed an exciting radio campaign, which was launched last week. Check out pictures from our first spot here. The campaign includes prime time radio spots and dramas illustrating how to use Refugees United’s free, online tool to search for missing family and friends. With…
Feb 14 13
Refugees United enter the two largest Kenyan refugee camps // Dadaab and Kakuma
There is renewed hope for the many refugees in the Kenyan refugee camps, Kakuma and Dadaab, who have lost contact with family and friends. In Dadaab alone there are about 400,000 refugees, with a significant share living in uncertainty about the whereabouts of their loved ones. Refugees United and Kenyan Red Cross (KRCS) recently signed a new partnership agreement including a total of 60 outreach officers. These will be assisting refugees in Dadaab and Kakuma to sign up on Refugees United’s online platform and search for their missing family and friends. The project aims to get a total number of…
Jul 13 12
Refugees United and Kenya Red Cross // Bringing technology to a NGO
Recently, Refugees United and the Kenya Red Cross (KRCS) held a joint workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. Organized by KRCS, the workshop was entitled “Lessons Learnt”. For the past seven months Refugees United and KRCS have been running a pilot project aimed at combining the resources of the two organizations in order to improve family tracing in Kenya. As the pilot project is coming to an end it was time to sit down and talk about lessons learned from the project: how a traditional family tracing organization like the Red Cross is taking new technologies into their operations in order to make…
Jun 20 12
Two sisters reconnected after 16 years of separation
In 1996, the Congolese village Uvira– like many other villages during the DRC War – was attacked. It was the Munyamulenge tribe that was being targeted by an unidentified armed group from the Murundi tribe, who were looking for young boys to join their rebel army, slaughtering people mercilessly on their way. Early that morning, Estelle* had gone to fetch some water for her family and five children. When she returned to the village, women, men and children were in total panic. The rebel soldiers were drunk or under the influence of drugs, showing no mercy when raiding the village…
May 3 12
Helping 100 Thousand Refugees Find Missing Family
100 thousand. One hundred thousand lives touched. One hundred thousand refugees separated from family members during their escape from conflict. On April 23rd, Refugees United passed a significant milestone in its short history: The one hundredth thousand refugee in search of missing family registered onto our family tracing platform. Growing from a point of life where, just a few years ago, the size of the problem of refugees being separated from family was almost unknown to other refugee agencies, Refugees United and partners have shone not only an enlightening light, but brought forth a sweeping beam of technology to help…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.