Jun 20 13
Reconnected after 22 years of separation
In support of World Refugee Day, Refugees United is excited to share one of our latest reconnection stories! As tragic as this story starts, we are touched with how it ends, as so many Refugees United stories do! The following is the story of Rahma* and how she found her father and brother through the Refugees United online platform after 22 years of separation. Rahma and her husband, Said, recounted their story to Refugees United staff members on April 4th, 2013. Please note that this story was told in Somali and has been translated to English for use by…
Jun 19 13
Who will win the Global #HackForGood Championship?
Be part of a Google Hangout on World Refugee Day 20 June 2013 9am EST // Hosted by Ericsson and Refugees United On World Refugee Day, 20 June 2013, Ericsson and Refugees United will host a Google Hangout to announce the winners of the Global Hack for Good, a one-of-a-kind event, which aims to connect refugees to missing family. Watch! Event to be live-streamed here: goo.gl/bBhiO on 20 June 2013, 9am EST Submit questions! If you want the chance to ask questions, just head over to Google+, and post it, and be sure to include the #HackForGood hashtag Three continents, one challenge: making…
Jun 18 13
#HackForGood Project: TraceConnect
This project is one in a series of projects generated at the Global #HackForGood in Nairobi, Kenya. Powered by Refugees United and Ericsson. By: Brian Ondari Denis Minja Musa Oganda Claire Musiku Nelly Nkonge Description: This is an Android app that increases the amount of data being stored in the refunite database so as to increase the chances of finding a match. This is done by interacting with the user to encourage them to give as much data as possible. We prompt them to give specific information such as memories of their missing person i.e. birthmarks, relationship, clan, landmarks, events…
Jun 18 13
#HackForGood Project: RefUnitePlus
This project is one in a series of projects developed at the Global #HackForGood in Nairobi, Kenya. Powered by Ericsson and Refugees United. Project team: Anthony Nandaa @profnandaa Mercy Orangi @mercy_orangi Thomas Kioko @code_wizard Samuel Mbugua @samspftk David Maitho @maithothige Derick Lung’aho @dericklungaho Description: The team’s project is aimed at making it easier to register refugees through registration platforms such as J2ME and SMS/USSD. Further, the team has worked on an online web registration system that has additional/finer details that will make it easier for a refugee to be located successfully especially when basic parameters e.g. the first and last…
Jun 18 13
#HackForGood Project: Offline App
This project is one in a series of projects generated at the Global #HackForGood in Nairobi, Kenya. Powered by Refugees United and Ericsson. By: Dennis Kawawa @_nodem David Kirui @davekirui Titus Korir @TitusKorir Bonny Kashif Description: The app enables volunteers to collect data offline and synchronize it with an online server when they have a good Internet connection. The app will ensure that refugees’ information is sent to the database even in zones with poor or no Internet connection. Project URL: https://github.com/davekirui/refunite
Jun 18 13
#HackForGood Project: Public Broadcast System for Refugees United
This project is one in a series of projects generated at the #HackForGood in Nairobi, Kenya. Powered by Refugees United and Ericsson. By: Ken Ross Twitter handle: @kzhen Project Url: https://github.com/kzhen/RefUnited-IVR-Platform Description: The Public Broadcast system for the Refugees United platform provides a way for people to connect to an IVR system and record a public broadcast. This broadcast is then available for all registered users of Refugees United to listen to and reply to. After listening to a broadcast the listener can do the following: Reply privately via voice – this will send a voice message directly to the person who posted…
Jun 18 13
#HackForGood Project: iSearch
This project is one in a series of projects generated at the Global #HackForGood in Nairobi, Kenya. Powered by Ericsson and Refugees United. Team Members and Twitter Handles David Bwire – @davidbwire Joseph Murgor – @josemurgo Johnstone Kibabu – @kibabumark About the Project isearch tries to come up with a better way for families to locate each other by improving the accuracy, efficiency and ease of search. How It Works The system seeks to provide these features: People who are searching for their loved ones are provided with facilities that will allow them to team up and exchange finer details about…
Jun 17 13
World Refugee Day in Kayole
Blog post by Natalia Alvarado, East Africa Camp Coordinator Yesterday was such a beautiful and inspiring day as we celebrated World Refugee Day with the Congolese community living in Kayole, Nairobi, Kenya under the theme “One family torn apart by war is too many.” Refugees United presented the event in collaboration with several other organizations including Jesuit Refugee Service, Heshima, Don Bosco, TUSA, Catholic Secretariat, and Faraja Foundation. We even had a few representatives from the Kenyan government present, enjoying the celebrations along side the rest of us. The event kicked off with a mass at the Divine World Parish church…
Jun 17 13
PRESS RELEASE: Kenyan Developers Qualify for Global Hack for Good Championship
Refugees United and Ericsson hosted a hackathon in Nairobi, Kenya, on June 15th & 16th gathering innovative developers from Nairobi Ericsson and Refugees United announced the two semi-finalists who will represent Kenya in the Global Hack for Good Championship Winners will be announced on World Refugee Day on June 20th Nairobi, Kenya – ‘Hackathons’ are becoming increasingly popular in Nairobi, bringing together programmers, designers and developers who wish to spend the weekend networking, innovating and competing. This weekend, Ericsson and Refugees United hosted a special ‘Hack for Good’ in Kenya, which aimed to connect refugee families separated by war,…
Jun 10 13
Second ‘Hack For Good’ shows off new ideas to connect refugees’ families
Refugees United and Ericsson hosted a hackathon in San Francisco, USA, from June 8th and 9th 2013 Bringing together some of the best technological innovators of the Bay Area The semi-finalists from the United States are runners-up in the Global Hack for Good Ericsson and Refugees United will announce the finalists on World Refugee Day on June 20th via a special Google Hangout event San Francisco, USA – With the global number of forcibly displaced people at 43 million and growing, there is an urgent need to reconnect refugee families who have been separated due to conflict, natural disaster,…
Hundreds of families are reconnected
through our work every month, often after years of searching for their missing loved ones.
Any donation will help separated families reconnect.